Terms and Conditions for Alterations

  1. Receipt of garment: Alterations will only be done on clean garments. If yours is preloved, please ensure that it has been washed or drycleaned prior to bringing them over. 
  2. Dress original condition: Your dress will be treated with the best of care in the studio, but it is common for the studio to receive dresses where there are minor stains, tears and other imperfections which are not immediately seen when purchasing a dress. When they are noticed (during a fitting or while working on the dress), you will be made aware of them during a fitting and the options for repair/ spot clean / fix can be discussed. Please also note that if your garment is overly creased, it may impact on the alterations and your fitting might have to be re-scheduled. 
  3. Appointments and fittings: All alterations would normally need a minimum of 2 fittings, with one prior to collection to check the final fit. Many brides may require more than 2 fittings, this will be discussed at your first fitting if required. Please ensure that you bring your shoes for the fitting, as well as any undergarment that you intend to wear. No hem fitting will be conducted without the appropriate shoes. The garment will be fitted to the best of what I can judge from the outside, but it is your responsibility to ensure that you are happy with the fit and to let me know of anything that does not sit right. No responsibility will be taken for the fit of altered garments that have not had a face-to-face fitting, or where no concerns have been voiced during fittings. 
  4. Alteration costs: The cost of alterations will be given at the first fitting. Any additional work that is agreed upon after this first fitting will incur additional costs. As per point 4 below, any additional work to be done upon losing or gaining weight may incure additional costs too. 
  5. Weight / size fluctuations: In the event that there is noticeable weight loss or gain between the first and subsequent fittings, there may be additional charges if extra work is required to re-do work that has already been done. In the event of noticeable weight loss or gain after the final fitting (when the work  has been deemed completed) and between the event date, any work that has to be conducted will be treated as additional alterations and charged accordingly.
  6. Payment: Full payment is required upon collection. Payment can be done by cash, card, Paypal invoicing or bank transfer. Payment can also be done in installments at each fitting stage as agreed during a fitting. 
  7. Workmanship: The work done on your garment will be conducted to the best of my ability, with industry best practice and using commercially purchased fabric and trimmings. No responsibility will be taken for malfunction of any of the garment features (zip, hooks, loops, etc.) on the event day.
  8. Steaming: Your dress will not automatically be steamed / pressed prior to collection, because often bagging it and transporting it to one or two more locations may cause additional creasing. When agreed upon, steaming and pressing will be done at an extra charge. 
  9. Wear and care: No responsibility will be taken for damages and stains resulting from mishandling of the dress once it has left the studio. Mishandling examples are: inappropriate care while transporting in a vehicle or to and from a vehicle, use of an unsuitable storage area, use of excessive heat, using too much force while handling the garment, zips, loops, and other trimmings, stepping on the dress, wearing the dress in a way that it was not intended to, and so on.    
  10. Collection time: Garments will only be kept at the studio while they are being worked on. Once notification has been given that the work is complete, they will have to be collected within a calendar month. The studio will not be able to store garments until the event date.
  11. Uncollected items: Uncollected items will be disposed within 1 year, but all effort will be made to get in touch to arrange collection.
  12. Event cancellation: Should the event for which the garment is required be cancelled, please contact the studio ASAP if work is to stop. Work already conducted or partially started will be charged accordingly. 
  13. Leaving your garment at the studio for work to be done automatically gives your agreement to these Terms and Conditions.
  14. Last modified: 24 September 2024